Friday, 7 July 2017

Nut nut's nut

EDIT: SO APPARENTLY 'TO NUT' MEANS SOMETHING VERY DIFFERENT IN AMERICA. SORRY. (But I'm leaving the post up. In the UK it means 'headbutt', ok? And THAT'S ALL.)

This is an advert for nuts:

The nut nut's nut
It says 'the nut nut's nut'. I took a photo because it reminded me of the buffalo sentence we sometimes use to show the flexibility of language:
Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
For this to make sense you need to know, as I didn't, that 'buffalo' is a verb meaning 'intimidate'. You also need to know that Buffalo is a place and that a buffalo is an animal and its plural form is buffalo. So it means that buffalo from Buffalo intimidate (buffalo) other buffalo from Buffalo. Buffalo is a funny word, isn't it?

So nuts. KP is apparently the nut nut's nut: the nut for those who are very keen on nuts. Fair enough. Let's imagine a situation in which some of these peanuts, anthropomorphised, headbutt other peanuts.
Nut nuts' nuts nut nut nuts' nuts.
EDIT #2: It has been pointed out to me that you could nut someone in the nuts (also won't transfer to US, I'm sure: bollocks, balls, nads, testicles...). So:
Nut nuts' nuts nut nut nuts' nuts' nuts. 


  1. James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher.

    James, while John had had 'had', had had 'had had'; 'had had' had had a better effect on the teacher.

  2. There is a Latin example of a purely repetitious sentence, used in Britten's opera Turn of the Screw: malo malo malo malo

    Mālo: I would rather be
    Mālo: In an apple tree
    Mălo: Than a naughty boy
    Mălo: In adversity

  3. Buffalo mozzarella (stringier than the regular kind from cow's milk) is referred to, in Italian, as: "mozzarella di bufala" -- So, the nut of the nut: buffalo -- as cheese-- is a worthy addition to the list!
